
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Amy's Broccoli and Cheese in a Pocket

Hello everyone and May the 4th be with you :-P

I love sharing Amy's food with you guys because it is always all natural and organic, which I love.  It is great to find a frozen food to feel good about!  This one combines veggies, and hot melty cheese, what's not to love?

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Not only is this pocket packed with cheese and broccoli, it is also filled with potatoes and carrots!  I love how the cheese is mild so it doesn't over power the veggies. This little picket is delightfully tasty!

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Hot, melty, and organic! And of course quick and delicious, you can't go wrong with this Amy's Pocket!

Do you want to try this Amy's Broccoli and Cheese Pocket?

Bye from the Veggie Side!


  1. Oh that looks delish. I love Amy's and have gotten coupons in the mail before.. But they're still so expensive. Do you use coupons?

    1. i don't i've ever gotten amy's coupons before! but if you cut the Proof of purchase and mail it in you can earn free stuff like bowls and chop sticks :)

  2. I really wish we had Amy's here in the UK, their food always looks so good! All that gooey cheese, mmmm :)


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