
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie

Happy 12/12/12!

Well everyone, I have finally reached the end of my series of Thanksgiving dinner posts! And what comes after Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving dessert!  Pumpkin Pie is the classic Thanksgiving dessert, and the one two I make every year.  The canned pumpkin and recipe I use makes two whole pies.  I usually keep one, and give the second to Ben.  You can never go wrong with too many pumpkin pies!

I have been making the same pies since I was about 12 years old using the same recipe on the back label of the same canned pumpkin. And not to toot my own horn, one of  the best pumpkin pies I have ever had. Hey, if its not broken, why fix it?

Here's what I used:


Here's what I did:
Like I said, I have been following the recipe on the back of the Libby's canned pumpkin for ten years.  It is a great recipe  that you just can't go wrong with!


Mix sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves in a small bowl.

Gradually stir in evaporated milk.

Pour into pie shells.



Mmmm two perfect pies!  The perfect end to a great meal (and great set of posts!)  And I just feel fat enough to not was to work this hard, or eat this much, until next year!  I hope everyone enjoyed my Thanksgiving posts, and that you all had a wonderful dinner.  I hope you guys try out some of these recipes, I can speak from experience they all taste amazing!

Will you be trying out this pumpkin pie recipe?

Bye from the Veggie Side!


  1. Loved your Thanksgiving posts! Your pies look perfectly baked...well done!

  2. I love pumpkin pie!! I ate some today at my office holiday party!


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