
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Vegan Corn Salad for Thanksgiving

Hello everyone.  I am continuing my series of Thanksgiving meal posts with some corn salad.  With my new quest in trying veganism, I have been paying more attention to what foods are and aren't vegan.  When most people think of corn, they picture it on the cob and slathered in butter.  I wanted to try something more unique for Thanksgiving.  Last year I made a corn salad, so I brought it back again this year.

Here's what I used


1 Bag of frozen corn
1/4 Cup olive oil
3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1/4 Onion, diced
Oregano or Basil to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

What to do:
Defrost the frozen corn and put in large bowl
Dice onion and mix add to the bowl


Add oil and vinegar and mix
Mix in the basil or oregano and salt and pepper
Let chill and serve cold



I love how simple but flavorful this dish is!  It is definitely something easy to make for when I am eating vegan, and for those that are vegan all the time.  Even meat eaters will love this dish!

Will you be trying out this simple corn salad recipe?

Bye from the Veggie Side!


  1. Now I'm hungry! That's such a great dish to make and so easy!

  2. same, i'm hungry and i loooooove corn hihi
    your vegetarian follower,
    >hey you, yeah you, check out my blog


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